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Friday, October 06, 2006

Presenting Dork John Hayes 

I reckon that he should go round to their houses, line them up and start whacking their ears. Of course there will be no need to make sure they have committed a crime first. If they are young and wearing baggy clothes and standing near the shops that should be guilt enough.

I assume he smacks one of his mates in the head every time they break the law. Why he probably stands at intersections and throws rotten fruit at anybody speeding and trips people over if they jay walk.

I'd also like to know what he did when he was a young fulla that earned him a clip round the ear.

Unruly teens need a thick ear, says MP
06 October 2006

Wairarapa MP John Hayes may have built a reputation as an international troubleshooter – but his suggestions to deal with unruly youths have not washed with police.

The National MP and former diplomat has clashed with Masterton police over his views that teenagers running wild in public "need a thick ear".

Masterton has been plagued by vandalism and graffiti attacks and incidents of other teens being intimidated.

Mr Hayes is one of several Bannister St business tenants who have spoken out against groups of 10 to 15-year-olds gathering in the area and causing trouble.

"Corporal punishment is the ideal remedy for youths running amok in public. The best thing you can do for them is a thick ear. It's something I occasionally got when I was that age and it didn't do me any harm," he said.

Masterton police community relations coordinator Sergeant Mike Sutton said Mr Hayes' view was disappointing. The comments went against everything police and other agencies were trying to achieve with the long-running violence-free campaign.

Most of the youths were "good kids" who were viewed as just a nuisance by shopkeepers. Only a few had caused police concern, Mr Sutton said.

But Mr Hayes is unwavering. "Mr Sutton seems unable to tell the difference between discipline and violence. The kids . . . need discipline and badly. He needs to know that the public does not want cringing political correctness from him or others in the police force."
Mr. Dork, you seem unable to tell the difference between effective discipline and violent discipline, or violence attempting to be discipline. If I start clipping smart alecs in my class around the ear then they should feel free to do it to each other and hell, why not even give me good slapping when I need one. I'm sure none of it will hurt. Who needs ears? Especially when somebody from National is speaking.


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