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B.I.R. Column Of Fame
Man of Steel... Wood... and Mud: Bear Grylls
Rock Legend: Tom Morello

League Gods: The Emperor and Alfie

Str-8 Shoota: Malcolm X

Str-8 Shoota: Zack de la Rocha

Super Bad mofo's

Comrade Hillary

Tuesday, March 16, 2004 Korea 

I was asked to get up in front of about 40 students today and say a little about myself to them.

I could see it was being filmed on a small camera on a tripod by a 12 year old.

Glad I didn't realise at the time that it was being screened free to air in every class in the school on the massive tv's each class has.

By my rough estimates over 1,000 students were watching. This was confirmed later when I taught half of them and they already knew my name, age, country and how long I'd been in Korea.

Meanwhile I guess some of you would have heard that the Korean PM, Noh Moo Hyun has been impeached in a shambolic display of wankerism by the conservatives, who constantly try to haul Korea backwards through time and refuse to let go of power and move forward.

73% of the people in surveys taken since the vote in parliament took him down have said it was wrong. Did you know that you are actually not really supposed to start a sentence with a number?

So much for democracy, and rules about sentences not starting with numbers.

Hopefully these dickwads (whose parties have taken a bitch slappings in the polls) disappear from Korean politics soon.

You can follow all of it here if you are interested.

Also I spent three days in Kyoto, Japan a few days ago. I'll write about it another time. Way too many classes to teach and things to do though at the moment.


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