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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Give us a break you're the piano man 

If there was one story this year that has riled me more than any other the fucking inane piano man would win hands down.

Some git, found wandering alone in England, who can't remember who he is and can play a few tunes on the piano has recieved saturation media coverage - check out google news hits for the dick.

Sydney Morning Herald, NZ Herald, Stuff, the Guardian, New York Times; every fucking media outlet I turn to has had stories about this freak of nature.

How does one mute weirdo, whose sole attraction is that he can play the piano, get so much coverage even in a different fucking hemisphere?

We could be fed stories analysing the political turmoil or whatever it is that's fueling the conflict in Sudan, we could have stories on the new anti-Kyoto five country pact...but no we just keep getting the piano man.

And just when i thought it was safe to open the paper again whattayaknow he's had an improvement in his condition.

That's great news for the freak in question but I still don't give a fuck.

I didn't give a fuck when they found him and I couldn't give a flying fuck now.

Still there's a lesson here for those dying to be famous...cut the tags out of your clothes, pretend to be mute, and learn to play a musical instrument - and get ready for the column inches.


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