The Lineup
B.I.R. Column Of Fame
Man of Steel... Wood... and Mud: Bear Grylls
Rock Legend: Tom Morello

League Gods: The Emperor and Alfie

Str-8 Shoota: Malcolm X

Str-8 Shoota: Zack de la Rocha

Super Bad mofo's

Comrade Hillary

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Thought for the day 

Have you ever noticed how all western countries complain about a 'brain drain'?

Maybe you haven't but you'll have to take my word for it that they do.

Well surely if all these people are going to other western countries, as they invariably are, then there is no real brain drain.

NZ particularly goes on about all those uni grads we lose to Britain. But there are so many South African doctors, British teachers, uni grads from Asia and so forth that come to NZ that we really should just shut the f**k up!

Unlike most of our smarty pants mob off having a look see and who will return at some stage, most of those who come to NZ are going to be staying for the long haul.

NZ has a net migration gain of one NZ resident every 13 minutes and 56 seconds (note this is subject to change and neither batteries nor steak knives are included).

That works out at something like 103 people a day net gain (so if 200 NZers leave on any given day then 303 people arrive from abroad to live in NZ). I'm sure they are not all mindless zombies.



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