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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

National pulling 'policy' out of its ass? 

For a party sitting pretty on over 50% popular support, National is sure making an ass of itself in announcing its quasi-policy.

On tax: "Labour won't be offering you much this week. We'll offer $50 a week for the average person! Have we costed that out? Err, no, not really, how about $40 then? That has to be affordable, right? Now, where were we, that's right, tax relief for those in the top tax bracket are our number one priority. What's that? The average person doesn't actually earn that much? Well, bugger me."

On the emissions trading scheme: "We support this, and need to move urgently on it. Definitely the way forward. Wait a minute, we don't support this anymore. It really sucks."

How much duplicity can 53% of voters put up with from this slippery mob?

I don't have a lot of faith in John Boy to write or maintain policy. If National gets in, methinks some familiar faces with ominous "policy experience" will actually be making the play. Such delights as Ryall, Smith, Williamson, and McCully ... joined by Bill "Successor to Bill Birch" English, and Judith "The New Shipley" Collins.

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Yup, same bunch of assholes that were left with only 27 MPs in 1999 because the country grew to detest them so.

Unfortunately that bunch of assholes and the new less-experienced assholes that were attracted to the party in 2002 are absolute shoo-ins to win the most seats and form the next government.

Such is their confidence that they even allowed the deep and alluring tones of Lockwood Smith to be heard fronting a news piece late last week. I can remember seeing burning effigies of that lying cockroach during my student daze. Do we really forget that quickly?

So, should we expect any difference under Wonky Johnkey? Never trust a trader friends, never trust a trader. They will sell you out.

I'd rather have a granny state that I can tell to fuck off than a uncaring-Dad state that tells me to fuck off.

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