The Lineup
B.I.R. Column Of Fame
Man of Steel... Wood... and Mud: Bear Grylls
Rock Legend: Tom Morello

League Gods: The Emperor and Alfie

Str-8 Shoota: Malcolm X

Str-8 Shoota: Zack de la Rocha

Super Bad mofo's

Comrade Hillary

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Amazing he can work at all 

What with his drug-addled brain! Yes, that's right the "disgraced" Marc Ellis is back at his job hawking orange juice. I don't know about you, but having seen the USDA ads "this is your brain on drugs" I'd be reluctant to employ this man.

Honestly, the only thing that's disgraceful is the state's belief that it has sovereignty over our bodies, and that it can use its monopoly on the legitimate use of force to punish those who think otherwise. I choose to believe it's no business of PC Plod what people inhale, inject or consume - or to distinguish between legal and illegal funghi - but each to his own I guess.


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