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Man of Steel... Wood... and Mud: Bear Grylls
Rock Legend: Tom Morello

League Gods: The Emperor and Alfie

Str-8 Shoota: Malcolm X

Str-8 Shoota: Zack de la Rocha

Super Bad mofo's

Comrade Hillary

Thursday, September 22, 2005


"White collar drug ring"

If you scream it enough times maybe people will start believing it.

This's the approach taken by the media to a bunch of Aucklanders who bought, or knew people who bought, illegal drugs.

Now that most of the offenders have been convicted and sentenced - with fines ranging between $120 and $350 we read today that Lana Coc-Kroft will not actually be charged with anything.
Television personality Lana Coc-Kroft has sought and received an assurance from police that she will not face charges in connection with the so-called celebrity drug ring. The guarantee means she will be reinstated in the publicity roles she stood down from - with Healtheries and Starship hospital - while there was speculation that she was involved.

Which begs the question why did the cops drag her name through the mud?

Can anyone say defamation three times fast?

It's always weird when drugs get brought up in the media.

It now seems to be established that poor people do drugs, teenagers do drugs, middle class does drugs, white collar wearers do drugs and 'A-list' celebrities do drugs.

So who exactly isn't doing drugs?

Given the fact that drug use is 'condoned' by people from all walks of life don't we need to acknowledge that a large proportion of the population know the dangers but don't care because they also know the 'joy'.

I wonder what percentage of the police have had a toke? I'd guess way, way, way the fuck over half.

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