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B.I.R. Column Of Fame
Man of Steel... Wood... and Mud: Bear Grylls
Rock Legend: Tom Morello

League Gods: The Emperor and Alfie

Str-8 Shoota: Malcolm X

Str-8 Shoota: Zack de la Rocha

Super Bad mofo's

Comrade Hillary

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

It ain't about the oil 

Many television viewers chuckled when they watched US troops entering Baghdad and the Iraqi Information Minister was on tv - US forces almost in the background - assuring his audience that these "American infidels" would never threaten his nation.

It was reported that even President George W Bush was rather fond of the senile old coot, hence he didn't make the deck of 52.

I wonder then how long it will be before Fox News is ridiculing Iraq's US Administrator Paul Bremer with similar disdain. Today, following the news of the deaths of another 15-20 coalition soldiers - not to mention hundreds of Iraqi's - he reassured his bosses and international community that the United States is in control of the situation and that political progress in the country remains on track. Now that would make a great Tui billboard slogan.

US forces seem to have decided sending in fighter planes is one way to combat the insurgents, however when you start blowing up houses in densely populated areas it inevitably kills many innocent civilians, whose oppressed relatives then decide to take up the cause - had they not already.

Looks like those pre-war predictions that the US, depite its overwhelming military advantage, isn't really equipped for an urban guerilla war might be right. Although I see in the media former Australian citizen Rupert Murdoch thinks things in Iraq are going just swell and that Bush will win the upcoming election hands down.

And a chemical bomb plot - targeting the Tube - has just been foiled in Britain, can't help but thing these terrorist cells are going to start being a little more careful about who they call on the telephone.


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